Exotic Pet Products - Aston, PAWe stock a variety of prescription and non-prescription foods, supplements, treats, and toys.

Some of the products that we carry include:

  • Harrison’s Bird Diets, including several types and sizes of pellets, Mash, Birdie Bread Mix, and Power Treats
  • Roudybush bird diets, including several sizes of pellets. Special versions for birds with dietary restrictions can be ordered
  • Lafeber products, including Nutriberries, Pelletberries, and a good multivitamin
  • Fresh organic millet spray
  • Comfy perches for birds
  • An interesting array of clean, packaged bird toys
  • Chew toys for herbivores: baskets, balls, wreaths, etc. All safe/non-toxic….constructed of untreated willow
  • Soap-free shampoo for use in any of our furry patients
  • Disinfectant for home use
  • Vitamin C for guinea pigs
  • Sustainably produced and harvested, cold pressed, organic Red Palm Oil

If you need any medications or supplies for your pets, don’t hesitate to call us today at (610) 494-2811. We would be happy to help you!